Sunday, February 01, 2015

Sex Transformation Surgery

Sunday, December 04, 2011

18x Foods

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Here are 18x creative food. Haha.


Saturday, November 19, 2011
Please see those pictures before u go abortion :

Dissection of horse 解剖马

Thursday, November 10, 2011
Dissection of horse (解剖马) :

Serious Accident

Thursday, November 03, 2011
Serious Accident happen everyday!!! Please be careful, pray more to god, do more good things...


Animals Abuses

Thursday, November 03, 2011
There are many animal being abused everyday but we just don't know about it. Please stop abuse animal if you have a HUMAN heart !!!
以下的照片显示主人为泄私愤,男子丧心病狂大街上用刀捅狗出气#:一位男子与别人发生争吵,无处泄愤用刀疯狂地捅向自己宠物和其他小狗。受到严重伤害的萨摩奄奄一息地卧在一个水泥台上,除了头部,白色狗全身被鲜血染红,低垂着脑袋,眼睛里透出求生的欲望。旁边一只黄色的小金毛犬也是浑身鲜血,一动不动,已经死亡。 Picture below shows there are two dogs being hurt by its owner. The owner drank and angry, went home use knife stab his dogs to release hatreds, 1 of his brown color dog was death, another white dog was rescued by a good people. There are few good people were trying to rescue the white dog... the injury of the white dog was very wide and deep until the appendix come out from the body :

Picture below show rabbits are used for experiment and testing purpose for many women cosmetic products :

Picture below shows there are many dogs are used as baits for sharks :

Picture below shows the dog was tied at the back of car and drag....

Picture below shows A man keep throwing the dog to the sea, the dog keep swimming back to the bank. After 5 times of throwing, the dog didn't dare come back to the bank anymore, the dog climb up to a rock and stay at the rock for few days. Good people saw the sea water level is going to up, so the dog might in danger, so the good people went to save the dog from the rock. The dog fear and cold keep shacking whole body, it didn't even know what mistake that it have made : 以下照片指北戴河,一个男子在周围女子的哄抬声中,把一个小狗抡圆了扔向大海,哪知道小狗非常坚强,一次次游回岸边找它那冷血的主人,男子就一次次扔,最后一次小狗害怕了,爬到礁石上不敢回来。男女们悻悻离开。周围的人们发现后冒着涨潮的危险把小狗救了回来,小狗瑟瑟发抖,不知道自己到底做错了什么。

The dog bite a walked by people, so the dog must get a cruel punishment by beating until death. There are many people saw it but noone went to stop it. The owner of the dog is a small little girl, she was hold by two big men and she was faint when seeing her dog being beaten by people :

Picture below show the owner of the dog eat his own dog because he never eat this species of dog before :

Picture below shows the dog leg being chop off by trap :

Picture below shows the dog leg being chop off by trap :

Picture below shows the dog leg being chop off by trap :

Picture below shows the kittens were killed by bb gun, kick, stepped by leg, their mum were trying go to rescue her kittens for many times but she keep geting kick away by people many times...

Picture below show a girl step a kitten which is still alive. I watch few videos about the girls step on rabbits and kittens alive, the girls are so cruel!!!

Please stop abuse animal if you have a HUMAN heart. GOD has eyes, don't you worry u will be sent to hell to get punishment?

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